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Google Ranking Tips

luyued 发布于 2011-06-01 09:32   浏览 N 次  

  by David Callan ?2003 http://www.akamarketing.com

  Google is by far the most popular search engine available today for both ordinary surfers and webmasters. Surfers like it because of the highly relevant results it gives, and the speed at which it delivers them. This is due to its complex text matching algorithm and of course the Pagerank system that this engine uses. More on the Pagerank system later. Google is popular with webmasters and Internet Marketing companies due to the highly workable ranking system it uses. Unlike other engines where information about how the results are obtained are sketchy at best, Google actually publishes information on its site about the results it produces. So webmasters have things they can do to produce higher rankings. What also makes Google popular with webmasters is the speed at which they will spider / list your site. If you are not listed in Google and submit youre usually indexed within two weeks. If, however, your site is already listed in the index Google should re-index once every month, but more frequently if you have a high Pagerank and update often. This indexing / re-indexing time is much quicker than most other search engines, this allows webmasters to edit their pages properties such as title, first few lines of text, headings, keyword distribution and of course the number of incoming links to their site. They can then discover quickly if the changes were successful or not. Its because of this popularity that you need to know the workings of the Google search engine. Without knowledge of it you will be ranked lower than all other sites that are only slightly familiar with the Google algorithm. So lets indulge ourselves in the Google ranking algorithm. Well, there are two main parts to the algorithm Google uses, the first is its text matching system, whereby Google tries to find pages relevant to what the searcher has entered. The second and equally important part of the algorithm is of course the Google patented Pagerank system. Ill first go through how to make your page relevant, i.e. - the text matching part of the algorithm. Google gives a lot of "weight" to the title tag when searching for keywords, so make sure your most important keywords or keyphrases appear in the title tag. It seems to work best if you have other words in your title tag, too, after your keywords, but try to remain under 35-40 characters. As many of you know, Google does not use meta tags such as keywords or description tags. This is because the text in these tags cannot be seen by visitors to a website. Google therefore feels these tags will be abused by webmasters placing lots of unrelated words in them in order the get more visitors to their sites. This lack of support for meta tags means that Google creates your description from the first few lines of text on your page, this means youve to have your keywords and phrases right at the top, if it finds them your page becomes more relevant. If it doesnt the rest of your page has to work harder to become relevant. For example have a look at http://www.akamarketing.com/google-ranking-tips.ht ml. At the top of this page you will see: AKA Marketing .com - Free Internet Marketing Articles , Google submitting tips, ranking high at google.com.

  The above sentence includes keyphrases related to this page. Google considers keyword density in the body of a page for determining relevancy too, so make sure your keywords and phrases appear a couple of times throughout the whole page. Dont go overboard though, a density of 6-10% seems to work best. Other advice about making your page relevant includes putting keywords into the heading tags . Also try and bold as many keywords as you can. As of late Google seems to be indexing text in alt image tags, so include your keyphrases in there too. One final tip on page relevancy is the point on having your keywords and phrases in links which point to your site. It is a good idea to have the linking text containing your keywords as Google even says itself that it analyzes pages that links come from too, in its description of its Pagerank technology. How much keyword laden links matter is anyones guess. I have noticed however a lot of sites which give the HTML code to visitors who want to exchange links do include keywords in theactual linking area. You should do something like this too on your links page, say something like "if you want to link to this site, please use the following code". In the above section of the article youve learned what areas Google uses and looks at when looking for a relevant site. But what method does Google use to determine which site is better, the answer is the Pagerank system. Pagerank is as the name suggests a ranking system of pages. It works on the basis that if a website ABC.COM has been linked from a website XYZ.COM, abc.com must have some good content and therefore Google will count the link from XYZ.COM as a vote for ABC.COM. You can check your link popularity on Google by downloading the Google toolbar from http://toolbar.google.com The Pagerank scale goes from 1 to 10 on the Google toolbar and from 1 to 7 beside listings in the Google Directory. A less important site is of course a site with a PR of 1 and a very very important site is a site with a PR of 7 or 10, in the directory or toolbar respectively. The more links or votes a site has the more important it must be and therefore the higher it will rank for search words which it is relevant to, right?, WRONG!. Google does not simply count the number of incoming links a page has, if that was the case every webmaster from Iceland to Vietnam would try and exchange links to every Tom, Dick and Harry website that would let them. In Googles own words "Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important."

  Hopefully your beginning to get the idea. If not - The idea is to have your page linked to by as many high quality and high Pageranked sites as possible. Right?, RIGHT and WRONG. WRONG BECAUSE - You see the Google Pagerank system also takes into account the number of links the page that has linked to you has. The reasoning for this is that a page X has a certain amount of voting PR, if your site Y is the only link from that page X, then Google feels confident that page X thinks your page Y is the best link it has, and will give you more PR. If however page X has 50 links, page X could think your only the 50th best page. So the more links it has the less of a PR boost your site gets. RIGHT BECAUSE - Linking to a site with a 6+ PR will provide a significant boost to your PR in most cases, but in cases where the site also links with 100 other sites the boost will be almost zero. Likewise if a site has a PR of just 2 but you and only one other site are linked from it, then the PR boost would be more than the site with 100 links and a PR of 6. Its beginning to come complex isnt it, just wait till you see this formula. Its looks scary for non maths people. First let me explain what the damping factor is. The damping factor is the amount of your PR which you can actually pass on when you vote / link to another site. The damping factor is widely known to be .85. This is a little less then the linking pages own PR. PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + ... + PR(tn)/C(tn)) In laymans terms PR(A) is the Pagerank boost your page will get after being linked from someone elses site (t1). PR(t1) is the Pagerank of the page which links to you and C(t1) is the amount of total links that (t1) has. It is important to know that a pages voting power is only .85 of that pages actual PR and this voting power gets spread out evenly between all sites it links to. Imagine akamarketing.com was linked by XYZ.COMs link page which had a PR of 4 and 9 other links, heres how the formula should look like: PR(AKA) = (1-.85) + .85*(4/10)

  PR(AKA) = .15 + .85*(.4)

  PR(AKA) = .15 + .34

  PR(AKA) = .49 To sum up my site would get an injection of .49 PR after being linked from a page with a PR of 4 and 9 other links. Lets say I was linked from a site with a PR of 8 - double the previous examples amount, which had 15 other links, a total of 16 outbound links, my boost would be: PR(AKA) = (1-.85) +.85*(8/16)

  PR(AKA) = .15 + .85(.5)

  PR(AKA) = .15 + .425

  PR(AKA) = .575 The above two worked examples show that not only is the PR of the linking page important but what is also important is how many other sites are also linked / voted for from that page. OK, I think weve had enough mathy stuff for now, just remember that the name of the game is to get as many links from pages with high PR and few other links. The more of these links you get the more your PR will grow and the more your rankings will improve for your relevant keywords. The best thing you can do for your PR at the moment seems to be getting your site listed in Dmoz.org - The Open Directory Project. Pagerank is widely known to be biased towards big name directories such as Dmoz.org, Yahoo and Looksmart. This is true, especially in the case of Dmoz.org. These ODP links are treated like gold by Pagerank. It doesnt even matter what the individual PR of the category page is. I have seen sites gain a large PR boost on the toolbar as soon as Google updates its directory with the latest one from dmoz.org. This is because Google uses its own version of ODP for the Google web directory. Dont believe ODP links are very important to Pagerank? Dont believe a listing in the ODP will boost your ranking? Well THEY ARE and IT WILL. Perform a search for almost anything on Google and youll discover that 75-80% of the top 10 results are also indexed in the Google directory. The fact of the matter seems to me to be if your not listed in ODP, you shouldnt expect much traffic from Google. Its not difficult, it does sometimes take time, but its not difficult. Just make sure your site has good content and follow the guidelines for adding a URL. Try to get your index page listed at least. I say at least because although ODP claims only to list your index page, there are plenty of sites with 5 - 10 pages listed. So if your site has very distinctive sections, then submit each section - slowly. Once Google updates its directory, these listings could do wonders for your sites maximum PR. As for Yahoo and Looksmart, Pagerank will usually allocate a more than normal amount of PR boost for any sites listed. For tips on getting listed in Yahoo, read Yahoo Submitting Tips at http://www.akamarketing.com/Yahoo-submitting-tips. html If youre a noncommercial site or have a site thats almost completely noncommercial you can get into the Looksmart directory through www.Zeal.com. I really love this site, just like Google obtains results from ODP, Looksmart obtains its noncommercial listings from the Zeal web directory, without Zeal I would have to fork out hard earned cash and all my site does is provide information. To continue - I submitted AKA Marketing.com on a Tuesday and was listed in Zeal by Thursday morning. On Monday I checked my logs and found lots of referrals from Looksmart, I was in Looksmart already. I looked at my logs later only to find MSN had updated its database from the Looksmart database and was sending me loads of visitors because of the good listing I got. My site was listed in Zeal, Looksmart and MSN within six days. So get over to Zeal.com and submit your site. Before you can submit a site however you must pass a member quiz, which is fairly simple and straightforward. If you happen to be a webmaster that has a listing in all three of Dmoz.org, Yahoo and Looksmart then Im guessing your site has good to very good PR and rankings. RECAP Have your main keywords and phrases in your TITLE tag and well spread throughout your page. Get as many links from as many high PR low number of outbound links pages you can. GET LISTED IN DMOZ.ORG, Yahoo and Looksmart. Well thats it. I hope you have enjoyed reading this Google Ranking tips article has much as I have enjoyed writing it. I also hope that you can put this advice into use and help get yourself some real traffic. 无论是对普通网络冲浪者还是网站管理员来说,Google都是目前世界范围内最受欢迎的搜索引擎。它每天处理的搜索请求高达1.5亿次,几乎占全球所有搜索量的1/3。网络冲浪者对Google情有独钟,是由于Google所提供的快速搜索速度及高命中率搜索结果。这些都是基于Google的复杂文本匹配运算法则及其搜索程序所使用的Pagerank系统(网页级别技术)。下面我们将向大家介绍Google的Pagerank系统。







  在搜索网站的关键字时,Google会对其标题标签(meta title)中出现的关键字给予较高的权值。所以你应当确保在你网站的标题标签中包含了最重要的关键词,即应围绕你最重要的关键词来决定网页标题的内容。不过网页的标题不可过长,一般最好在35到40个字符之间。

  众所周知,Google并不使用元标签(Meta Tags)如关键字或描述标签。这是由于在这些元标签中所使用的文字并不能为实际的访问者所看到。而且Google认为,这些元标签会被某些网站管理员用于欺诈性地放置一些与其网站毫不相干的热门关键词,并以此提高其网站对该不相干关键词的排名,从而以不正当的手段获得更多的访问者。

  这种不支持Meta Tags的特性,意味着Google将从一个网页的头几行文字内容来生成对一个网站的描述。也就是说,你最好把你的关键字或关键短语放到网页的上方,这样如果Google找到它们,就会相应提高你网站的相关性。一旦Google找不到这样相关的内容,那么你要花费很大的力气来让你页面的其它部分具有相关性。

  在决定一个网站的相关性时,Google也会考虑网页中正文内容的关键字密度(Keyword Density),所以你要确保在你的整个网页中贯穿出现了若干次关键词和关键短语。但是要记住“过犹不及”,6-10%的关键词密度为最佳。





  PageRank取自Google的创始人Larry Page,它是Google排名运算法则(排名公式)的一部分,用来标识网页的等级/重要性。级别从1到10级,10级为满分。PR值越高说明该网页越受欢迎(越重要)。例如:一个PR值为1的网站表明这个网站不太具有流行度,而PR值为7到10则表明这个网站非常受欢迎(或者说极其重要)。


  那么是不是说,一个网站的外部链接数越高(获得的投票越多), 这个网站就越重要,因而在用与其相关的关键词进行搜索时,它就会取得更高的排名呢?--大错特错。






  首先让我们来解释一下什么是阻尼因数(damping factor)。阻尼因素就是当你投票或链接到另外一个站点时所获得的实际PR分值。阻尼因数一般是0.85。当然比起你网站的实际PR值,它就显得微不足道了。现在让我们来看看这个PR分值的计算公式:

  PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + ... + PR(tn)/C(tn))



  PR(AKA) = (1-0.85) + 0.85*(4/10)

  PR(AKA) = 0.15 + 0.85*(0.4)

  PR(AKA) = 0.15 + 0.34

  PR(AKA) = 0.49



  PR(AKA) = (1-0.85) + 0.85*(8/16)

  PR(AKA) = 0.15 + 0.85(0.5)

  PR(AKA) = 0.15 + 0.425

  PR(AKA) = 0.575







  向ODP提交你的站点并为它收录,其实并不是一件难事,只是要多花点时间而已。只要确保你的网站提供了良好的内容,然后在ODP合适的目录下点击“增加站点”,按照提示一步步来就OK了。至少要保证你的索引页(INDEX PAGE)被收录进去。我说“至少”是因为尽管ODP声称他们只收录你的索引页,而事实上在ODP上却不乏被收录了5到10页的网站。所以,如果你的网站内容涉及完全不同的几块内容,你可以把每个内容的网页分别向ODP提交-不过请记住“欲速则不达”。等到Google对其目录更新后,你就能看到你的PR值会有什么变化了。



  让我们继续-我是在一个星期二向Zeal提交的AKA Marketing.com,到了星期四早上它就出现在Zeal上了。到了星期一我检查了一下我的日志文件,发现来自Looksmart的大量提名,原来它已经被Looksmart收录了。后来我又查看了一下我的日志,发现MSN已经根据Looksmart的数据库而更新了它自己的数据库,而且由此而提升的好的排名也给我带来了不少的访问者。想想看吧,6天之内我的网站就出现在Zeal,Looksmart和MSN上了。所以如果你有非商业网站,可千万别忘了去Zeal.com提交你的网站哦!



  1. 在网站的标题标签(TITLE tag)中包含主要关键词和关键短语。

  2. 提高网站外部链接的质量和数量。

  3. 使网站为三大知名网络目录DMOZ,Yahoo和Looksmart收录。

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