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luyued 发布于 2011-06-02 10:37   浏览 N 次  

  Netbookis the small size, light wight, legacy free, and inexpensive notebook computers. Strictly, i don't think Apple MacAir count, because it is NOT inexpensive one. the cheapest 7-inch mini netbook can be bought on eBay at only $120 dollars. but it is not typically use windows at a lower price and restricts to lower spec hardware and most of all, internet accessing device. Netbooks typically have less powerful hardware than larger notebook computers. some do not have a hard drive but use SSD instead, as these require less power, and faster, lighter, and generally more shock-resistant. but with less storage capacity. wholesale electronic stores Any of the notebooks you get from the market today have WiFi function integrated. and some may even use mobile phone networks with data capabilities. On the other hand, netbook which can use different operation system than windows, such as linux UBANTU, ANDROID, brings all the advantages to your netbook, now with unity, and innovative user interface super-optimized for smaller screens, and of course, it’s free. You can chat online, email any of your friends, and tweet right out of the box. It is considered even powerful as your desktop computer but just simpler. With this feature, you can enjoy using your netbook easy to listen to music, watch HD movies or use the web, it is also powerful enough to let you create and edit too. Netbooks are growing trend in education and other field recently. As it is the best way to get netbook is to buy it pre-installed on a netbook computer. But you many want to replace your existing operating system. Netbook OS is available to download from the internet, and completely free.

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