luyued 发布于 2011-04-23 17:49 浏览 N 次
| (Embedded image moved to file: pic10002.jpg)ECHO CHINA |
| Improving Now, Preparing for the Future! |
| Wining in Legal English/“赢在法律英语”系列 |
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| Course 1: Golden Rules of Legal Drafting (Corporate Constitutional Documents) |
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|Date: 22 April 2011 (Friday) |
|Time: 14:00pm - 16:30pm |
|Venue: Downtown Shanghai (to be notified after registration) |
|Unit Cost: Members (凡报名参加我们任一课程的公司): RMB500/person, Non-Members: RMB600/person |
|套票价格:本系列共含六次学习,公司可按报名参加的总数享受优惠,请咨询Cindy Wang ( |
|coursesecretary@echochinalaw.com). |
|RSVP/报名参加: Cindy Wang (coursesecretary@echochinalaw.com, Tel: 13701606590 or 6282,6511) |
|Features & Benefits (本系列的特色和优势): |
| – 主要针对希望有效提高专业英语的公司法务 |
| For in-house legal counsels wanting to raise their legal English level effectively |
| – 全面讲解公司法务日常工作中涉及的各类英语文本 |
| Covering all kinds of written materials relevant to the legal work |
| – 了解表达方式的同时,掌握一种法律思维 |
| Understanding a way of thinking more than a way of expression |
| – 重在实践,引用的案例和范本都来源于现实工作 |
| Based on templates that come from real life practice |
| – 为您长期提升法律英语指明一种学习策略 |
| Providing a strategy of self-learning in the long term |
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| 讲师介绍 (Lecturer) |
| Jason Qian |
| Chairman of Legal Focus Group of British Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (英国商会法律委员会主席) |
| Asian Counsel In-House Community Thought Leader (Asian Counsel 企业法律顾问代表) |
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| “从一个律所最低级的法律助理做到跨国企业在华的法律总监,我的体会就是学好法律英语。”—— Jason Qian |
|| Jason Qian was the Legal Director of Fuji Xerox China, and he also
|managed the legal affairs in the Asia| Pacific region. Mr. Qian is
|an Arbitrator of the Shanghai Arbitration Commission and Councillor of
|the| Shanghai Corporate Counsel Association. His name is listed in
|the EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation| Lawyer Directory. Mr.
|Qian is the Chairman of the Legal Focus Group of the British Chamber of Commerce in| Shanghai, Honorary Member of the Royal Asiatic Society China in Shanghai, and a Committee Member of the| Cambridge and Oxford Society in Shanghai. He is also a Fellow of the Cambridge Overseas Society. He is now|
| working as the Head of Strategic Projects at an international bank. |
|Special thanks to our attendees coming from: |
|| ABBOT, Acorn, adidas, akzo nobel, Alcatel Shanghai Bell, Alliance
|Investment, amb, antolin, ATLAS COPCO,| b&Q, bank of communication,
|Baxter, Bayer, Bearing Point, BNP Paribas, BOC, bosch, BP, Bunge,
|CapitalLand,| CARGILL, chartis insurance, cooper, cytec, Danone, DBS
|Bank, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, DOW Corning, eaton,| Eli Lilly,
|fairchild semiconductor, Federal-Mogul, FEDEX, Flowserve, Ford,
|ge, GKN, GlaxoSmithKline, Henkel, Herbalife, Honeywell, HP, HSBC, ICBC,| Infor Global, International Paper, Johnson & Johnson, johnson controls, Kodak, konica minolta, L’OREAL,| louis vuitton, Mead Johnson, MECS, MITSUBISHI Chemical, OTIS, owens corning, Pepsico, SAINT-GOBAIN, SECCO,| Shanghai GM Siemens, sinochem, Societe Generale, stanley works, SinoChem, Syngenta, Tesco, Tetra Pak,|
|timken, tnt, tsmc, Tyco Electronics, Unilever, visteon, WABCO, watts… |
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| Have a good learning and boost yourself! 预祝您得到想要的提高 |
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