Assembly of the space shuttle to the la...
luyued 发布于 2011-04-16 15:44 浏览 N 次The era of the space shuttle may have been near the end, but at least we can rejoice that the last time a little bit of the space shuttle, at any rate there, and dynamic photography DSLR features appear to overlap, so we have a handsome film can be seen XD. Protagonist of the film is the space shuttle Discovery for the STS-131 mission to prepare. You can see the process of how the shuttle was hanging from the flat into the straight, and the main fuel tank and solid rocket fit,mkv converter, and then push the whole group to the launch pad, and finally took off. Video photographer named Scott Andrews, all of the shuttle mission in two tasks, only he did not shoot too. In order to leave for retiring the space shuttle rare records, and he has permission from the relevant units, usually from a variety of captured images can go up to the time when aircraft out nine 5DII in the film too!
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