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of Countdowns: The Space Shuttle's ...

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  A Countdown of Countdowns: The Space Shuttle's Finale 03.12.10

  为倒数而倒数:航天飞机的终章 2010-03-12

  Ver 1.01

  At NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, flags swing in the breeze as space shuttle Endeavour approaches Launch Pad 39A. Image credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett


  For 50 years, NASA's been famous for counting backward from 10 to zero. But a final countdown is now under way that will stand out among them all.


  After 130 space shuttle missions, only four remain before the fleet is scheduled to retire. That's four flights remaining to use the unique capabilities of the shuttle to finish construction on the International Space Station and prepare it for life after shuttle. Each flight is unique and extremely complicated. Attention to detail and planning will be needed to be successful. There are no easy flights remaining and there may be pauses in this countdown that will ensure the highest chance of mission success. The shuttle will fly each flight when it's ready.


  Take the time to look and really study the remaining shuttle flights. Here's a close up look at the countdown of flights:


  8: STS-127 -- A Mission for all Nations


  The International Space Station has been growing steadily over the past few years, but the one thing it still doesn't have is a porch. STS-127 will take care of that.


  Space shuttle Endeavour will deliver the external facility for Japan's Kibo module during that mission, completing the Japanese complex on the space station and providing a science platform outside the station walls.


  And if the international flavor of the cargo isn't enough, it will be the first shuttle mission to visit the station after its expansion to a six-person crew, when the station will have representatives from all five international partners on board.


  "It just brings a lot of different nations together," STS-127 Commander Mark Polansky said. "I look at space and what we've done with the International Space Station as a wonderful example of how we can cooperate. We all have a common goal, and we all work together. We all have cultural differences, and somehow we put all that aside and we get the job done."

  它就像把不同的国家连在一起,STS-127指令长Mark Polansky说,我仰望太空,我们在空间站的所作所为是我们有能力共同合作的精彩体现。我们都有一个宫廷的目标,并且我们一同工作。我们彼此存在文化差异,但以某种方式我们可以忽略那些并把工作做好。

  The installation of the new external facility will be the perfect opportunity to demonstrate all that.


  "You'll have this truly integrated operation, where you've got the Canadian robotic arm holding the new big piece of Japanese hardware, brought up by a United States vehicle," said Holly Ridings, the lead space station flight director for the mission. "If you think about the integration of all those parts and pieces, it's really amazing how far we've come."

  你会遇到这个真实而综合的操作,当你获得加拿大臂抓住的这个又新又大的由美国运载器运来的日本组件,Holly Ridings,任务中空间站飞行主管说道,如果你琢磨一下综合起来后的所有零件,我们的作为真是难以置信

  7: STS-128 -- Stepping Up Station Science


  With the increasing size of the space station crew comes an increasing amount of crew time available to be spent on science. STS-128 will bring up new projects for them to spend that time on.


  Tucked inside the multi-purpose logistics module to be carried up inside Discovery's cargo bay will be two new experiment racks the materials science research rack-1 and the fluids integrated rack. The materials rack will allow the crews of the space station to conduct experiments on such diverse materials as metals, glasses, crystals and ceramics. They'll be able to study how materials mix and solidify or how crystals grow, outside the confines of the Earth's gravity.


  If it's not covered by the materials rack, there's a fair chance that it will be by the fluids rack. Colloids, gels, bubbles, boiling and cooling are just a few of the long list of areas astronauts will study using the fluids rack.


  Of course, with all the additional science being done on the station, the crews will need more room in which to store the fruits of their labor. So Discovery will also bring up a second Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS or MELFI, as it's known.


  And one other way that the STS-128 (and STS-125 and STS-127) mission will further the cause of science is by taking part in crew seat vibration tests that will help engineers on the ground understand how astronauts experience launch. They'll then use the information to design the crew seats that will be used in future Constellation launches.


  Astronauts Nicole Stott and European Space Agency's (ESA) Christer Fuglesang, both STS-128 mission specialists, attired in training versions of their shuttle launch and entry suits, participate in a fixed-base shuttle mission simulator (SMS) training session in the Jake Garn Simulation and Training Facility at NASA's Johnson Space Center. Image credit: NASA

  宇航员Nicole Stott以及来自欧洲航天机构的Christer Fuglesang,均为STS-128的任务专家,正专注于有关他们的发射训练和宇航服穿着,并参加一期位于Jake Garn模拟器和NASA约翰逊航天中心的,基于航天飞机任务模拟器(SMS)改造的训练

  6: STS-129 -- Spares to Space


  There will be lots of reasons to miss the space shuttles when they retire, but one of the most practical ones will be the lack of transportation options for large space station equipment.


  In addition to all the modules and truss segments that the shuttle has been hauling into space for the past 10 years, there have been occasional ORUs or orbital replacement units, a fancy word for spare parts many of which were big. Too big, in fact, to be brought up on any other vehicle that visits the space station or any that's being planned.


  "What you've done," Kirk Shireman, International Space Station program deputy manager, said, "is take away the 18-wheeler and replace it with a bunch of small pickup trucks."

  "你们所做的",Kirk Shireman,国际空间站项目副主管说道,"是要撤掉18轮卡车,换上一堆小卡车。"

  For STS-129, the 18-wheeler's cargo hold will be full of spares to keep the station going after the big wheels have stopped rolling. There will be a spare control moment gyroscope, a spare nitrogen tank assembly and a spare ammonia tank assembly. A spare latching end effector for the station's robotic arm, and a spare trailing umbilical system for the rail car that the arm travels on. A spare antenna and a spare high pressure gas tank.


  There will be plenty more spares to come before the last shuttle flight, but STS-129 is definitely a start.


  "This should last us for some time," Shireman said.


  Astronaut Charlie Hobaugh (left), STS-129 commander; along with astronauts Robert Satcher (center) and Randy Bresnik, both mission specialists, attired in training versions of their shuttle launch and entry suits, await the start of a Full Fuselage Trainer (FFT) mock-up training session in the Space Vehicle Mock-up Facility at NASA's Johnson Space Center. Image credit: NASA

  宇航员Charlie Hobaugh(左),STS-129指令长;与同为任务专家的宇航员Robert Satcher(中)和Randy Bresnik,专注于有关他们的发射训练和宇航服穿着,等待位于NASA约翰逊航天中心的轨道器模拟设施的完整机舱训练机(FFT)的模拟训练

  5: STS-130 -- A Room with a View


  STS-130 will represent a major milestone mission, as it will be bringing up the last major United States addition to the space station. And as usual, last doesn't equal least.


  Not only will space shuttle Endeavour be bringing up the final node this one named Tranquility and giving the expanded crew plenty of space to spread out in, but as this node will come attached to the six-windowed cupola, it's likely to become everyone's favorite room on the station.


  "This flight will, I think, grab the public's attention," Shireman said. "It's just going to be a really, really neat module for those on board. The dream of being able to go out and just have an unencumbered view of space we'll have it. You can open up all the windows and look around and really feel like you're out there."


  The windows aren't just for fun, however they'll be working windows. As more cargo vehicles begin frequenting the space station, the station's robotic arm is going to be called into action to capture some of them as they approach and guide them into their docking port. A good view of that operation will be a welcomed help to those at the controls of the arm.


  part2 : http://hi.baidu.com/popharbor/blog/item/1a4d103b29 9e64e714cecb6b.html
