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Top 50 Graphic Design Schools and Colleges --我的梦想 -SVA我来了

luyued 发布于 2011-02-07 06:20   浏览 N 次  
经历了转学大折腾,整个人现在都精神了被折腾的。前两年的努力终于看见了成果。申请的学校,包括对这些学校的了解也慢慢的清晰起来。最终拿到了School of Visual Arts 最高奖学金。并且可以从第三年开始了。PARTT也申请了。这个学校的变态举措就是,不管你问他们任何转学的问题他们只有一个回答就是看我们的官网。按步骤进行。态度及其差劲!无语了。只是仗着一些威望就那么狂。。唉。真要命。还需要你的高中学分。中国的也要。像我这样一半在美国高中。一半在中国高中的。纠结死我了。但是他们的态度和一些举动实在是没法说了。。真的不知道他们在搞什么东西。罗德岛是设计者的梦想。但是高昂的学费和转学生要从第一年开始读(这不神经么)这样的规矩也是谁也耗不起的。Maryland Institute College of Art Graphic Design 的设计院也是不错的。他们的态度也很好。和SVA一样很耐心。即使他们也是顶级的设计院。但是会很NICE,,,California Institute of the Arts也不错。但是太远了!芝加哥设计院也不错的。他们的设计院环境很好,教育的方式很开化。作品也都不错。就是太远。太冷。。哈哈哈!还是纽约好~离家近,男友,大城市,曼哈顿,还有我一直的梦想School of Visual Arts!终于在两年前就瞄着梦想要进去。但是感觉是个遥不可及的梦想。但是在我做了大量的个人作业和申请工作加上学校的工作经验还有老师们的推荐信,这样就迈进去一大步了。但是觉得真的想要转学就要注意几点1.看好了你要的专业,不要只看这个是名校那个是名校。关键是你自己的专业在这个学校的排行如何。这个才是关键。copper union是很好。但是关键是他们的建筑系很棒!没有自己的平面设计院,招来的平面学生都要送到SVA进修(听说这个消息 激动的我啊内流满面的)多好的学校 打破了脑袋进去都。但是不适合你干什么去呢。2. 真的需要大量的个人作品。因为学校的作品大体每个人都一样的。怎么样才能脱颖而出呢。只能靠自己做出来各种名片设计,书页设计,公司IOGO以及商业包装,广告,海报,CD包装,各种产品包装,3D作品,油画,铅笔画,黑白彩色设计样品,摄影。。。。一大堆的东西还要不断的添加添加。。这样才能够争取到最大限额的奖学金 3.真的要提早做准备。我记得我从半年前就开始准备材料了。转个学投入的经历和消耗的体力不亚于生一次孩子(虽然我没有生过)哈哈哈!但是真的就是要细致,多方打听毕业情况,学校状况,亲自考察,填写材料(把祖宗八大的情况都要写了),资料复印,作品集的准备,太多东西要准备,比生个孩子还麻烦。但是还好一切算是顺利。现在就是一些收尾工作了。很开心。进入一个梦想的学校。自己凭借努力考进去了。是一间非常好的学校。在曼哈顿,环境也很好,教学质量也很好,很多毕业的学生留在Manhattan的很多,态度也好,奖学金给我也很欣慰,还给我安排在大三。太欣慰了。看来那么多的额努力真的没有白费,我也要感谢我的父母,他们给我了很大的支持,尤其是老妈,每次我要买美术用品什么的,或者打印作业没有少折腾。也那么支持我自己独立去纽约闯闯。谢谢啦老妈。还有我的男朋友,在我开始申请的起初,就一直陪着我,鼓励我。这个过程很艰难。需要修改的东西太多。更多的时候是他陪着我鼓励我,一步步的走出来了。也是他每个学校都陪我去看,帮我提着很多作品集东跑西跑的。去了纽约也要我们一起面对成长!现在你也要考试,向着自己的梦想前进加油!谢谢你,还有谢谢一些朋友的鼓励,没有你们就没有今天的我!
This ranking of graphic design schools began with the top fifteen as designated by the US News and World Report’s annual survey of U.S. colleges and universities. That was the extent of their list so from there, the rankings have been derived from other ranking sources that could be relied upon as somewhat objective. We took the US News rankings of fine arts programs into account, provided the schools offered some sort of undergraduate program that incorporated the important elements of graphic design. We also recognized that many some fine arts departments have relegated graphic design to the architecture and design corner of academia, while others have embraced it as a commercial form of fine art.
  1. Rhode Island School of Design teaches Graphic Design utilizing a broad range of media as platforms.
  2. Cranbrook Academy of Art uses the term “2D” to describe their Graphic Design program, taught
  3. Yale University School of Art offers an undergraduate art major that leads to specialization at the graduate level.
  4. Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts offers an undergraduate BFA in Graphic Design.
  5. Carnegie Mellon University offers an undergraduate program in Communication Design that is their version of Graphic Design, presented in a multi-platform environment.
  6. Maryland Institute College of Art Graphic Design major differentiates between the Book Arts Studio option – for illustrators, photographers and print makers – and the Graphic Design Studio option, which offers a classic approach to the commercial aspects of the field.
  7. School of Visual Arts in New York has a Graphics Design undergraduate program that works in 2D, 3D and digital media.
  8. California Institute of the Arts or “Calarts” as the institution is known offers both a BFA and an MFA in Graphic Design.
  9. Pratt Institute has an undergraduate Communications Design degree that can lead to a career in Graphic Arts, in Illustration or in Advertising Arts.
  10. California College of the Arts includes an internship program in their Graphics Design degree students that may occur in museums, publishing and printing houses, technology companies, or nonprofit organizations.
  11. University of Delaware Art Department offers a highly regarded BFA in Visual Communications that begins with graphic design fundamentals and then moves into the multiple platforms in the field.
  12. Penn State University Media Arts Department with undergraduate degrees in Graphic Design and Graphic Communications Management.
  13. Kansas City Art Institute is an independent school that offers its Graphic Design studies through the School of Design and Electronic Arts.
  14. Parsons School of Design offers a Communications Design Degree that is within an active fashion design institution, offering a unique opportunity for networking in that particular industry,
  15. Academy of Art University in San Francisco offers both an undergraduate and a graduate degree in Graphic Design. Some courses may be taken online.
  16. Otis College of Art and Design has a Communications Arts Division that offers majors in Graphic Design, Advertising Design, and Illustration.
  17. Cleveland Institute of Art has redefined their Graphics Design program as Communications Design like many art schools, reflecting the reality of the digital, multimedia world that professional artists work in.
  18. University of the Arts in Philadelphia offers a BFA in Graphic Design that incorporates traditional visual design principles with new technology.
  19. UCLA School of Arts and Architecture has an undergraduate program in Design/Media Arts that includes immersion into the functionality of new media tools.
  20. Art Academy of Cincinnati has a Visual Communications Design degree that integrates fine-art studio experience with contemporary design education.
  21. University o f Illinois at Chicago School of Art and Design offers Graphic Design as one of the seven majors available to undergraduates.
  22. Boston University School of Visual Arts offers a BFA in Graphic Design that includes study of photography and the use of images in a 3D simulation.
  23. University of Wisconsin – Stout Department of Art and Design has a BFA program that provides for an area of concentration in Graphic Design.
  24. Savannah College of Art and Design offers its Graphic Design program through the School of Communication Arts
  25. Virginia Tech School of Visual Arts has a BFA degree available in Visual Communication Design/Graphic Design.
  26. Corcoran College of Art and Design in Washington DC has undergraduate programs in Graphic Design and in Digital Media Design.
  27. University of Florida School of Art and Art History offers a Graphic Design Degree program that delves into web design, multimedia, interactive design and advertising.
  28. New York University design programs include a BS in Digital Communications and Media, and a Masters program in Graphics Communication Management and Technology.
  29. Brigham Young University College of Fine Arts and Communications has a four year BFA in Graphic Design that includes study of composition in branding and commerce.
  30. North Carolina State University College of Design has both a Graphic Design degree and an Art and Design undergraduate degree.
  31. Columbus College of Art and Design has a BFA and an MFA program, within which are housed several major options – one of which is graphic design.
  32. Massachusetts College of Art and Design offers a BFA with a Graphic Design major, as well as a Certificate program for working adults.
  33. New York Institute of Technology offers a BFA in Communications Arts that looks at design concepts for several media platforms as they are applied in commercial use.
  34. Purdue University Herron School of Art and Design has an undergraduate degree in Visual Communication and Design and a Masters Degree in Visual Communication.
  35. University of Illinois/Urbana School of Art and Design offers both a BFA and an MFA in Graphic Design.
  36. Rochester Institute of Technology College of Imaging Arts and Sciences has a Graphic Design division that offers a fairly commercially oriented course of study.
  37. University of Cincinnati College of Design has a five year program for Graphic Design that includes a year of internship, or “cooperative work experience.”
  38. University of Minnesota College of Design offers a Bachelors of Science in Graphic Design and a Masters program in either Design Communication or Interactive Design.
  39. Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design has a program for Communications Design that includes an internship at an advertising agency or design firm.
  40. University of Washington School of Art has a Design Division that offers a Bachelor Degree program in Visual Communication Design, encompassing the new media as well as the traditional.
  41. University of Michigan School of Art and Design has a BA program that focuses on graphic design concepts and uses, and a BFA that includes more studio work.
  42. University of Notre Dame Art, Art History and Design program offers an undergraduate degree in Graphic Design and a three year Masters course of study.
  43. Maine College of Art offers both a BFA and an MFA program, each of which offer a major in Graphic Design.
  44. Ohio State University College of the Arts has a Department of Design that offers a major in Visual Communication Design.
  45. University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree for both Graphic Design/Letter Form and for Digital Media.
  46. Michigan State University Department of Art and Art History provides both studio space and computer installations for its undergraduates majoring in Graphic Design.
  47. University of Iowa School of Art and Art History has undergraduate degrees in Graphic Design and in 3D Design.
  48. University of Texas School of Art and Art History offers a degree in Design that emphasizes the use of photography, graphic arts photography, traditional print and digital technology.
  49. University of Georgia School of Art has a Bachelor of Fine Arts program with a concentration in Graphic Design.
  50. SUNY University of Buffalo Department of Visual Studies (formerly the Art Department), offers a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design degree.