Many long to transcend the karmic level.html
luyued 发布于 2011-02-04 20:02 浏览 N 次A karmicUGG Classic Outle, UGGS Classic Sale, bond is often the initial drawing force between partners. In a karmic relationship the underlying magnetism can be powerful, as a deeper wisdom works with the alchemic process of karmic balance. Despite suffering entailed (often a semi-sweet tableau), a rich harvest awaits. Once the mainstay of learning has been processed, by one, or both, of the partners, the drawingFake Ugg Boots, force can abate.
Many long to transcend the karmic level, and move into the grace of a “soul-mate” communion. Either way, karma or grace - the shadow, or “pain body,” is activated to ensure spiritual growth.
Bringing consciousness into the arena of shadow is a central raison d’etre for relationship. No matter who you hook up with, whether the relationship is about karma, grace, destiny, or one’s soul-mate - call it just plain lucking out - shadow will be along for the dance.
Especially for pre-midlife adults, unborn children also create a powerfulUGG Tall Boots, UGG Bailey, attracting force between partners. These souls striving to be born select their would-be parents and influence them to get together. The force these “spiritual babies” exert accounts for much of the principle energy moving within a couple’s attraction and sexual intensity. The force of attraction can decrease to the extent the spiritual-plane activity of theUGG Tall Boots, UGG Bailey, children abates. For example, by age 7, children have incarnated their own etheric body, by 14, their own astral body. Each phase reduces parental cohesion orchestrated on the spiritual plane, as the child moves deeper into incarnation.
A key aspect for transcending the “child factor,” as well as enhancing the union in general, entails co-forming a foundation before engaging on a sexual level. The typical model of relationship that Hollywood has been serving up to ticket-paying masses tends to deliver lovers to the same unviable cheap ugg boot, fake ugg boots,arena of relating that its own celebrities find themselves so often engaged in. About 95% of love stories that modern film portray entail new partners advancing to sexuality at lightning speed - if not on the first day, then at least in the first week. On film you can do anything. In reality, this Fake Ugg Boots,factor invites an early dissolution - or, at very least makes for a precarious basis for unity and rapport.
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