比利时佛斯特拉父子(Raoul & Xavier Verstraete)
luyued 发布于 2011-04-24 05:13 浏览 N 次Make short separate privat training races from max 20km the day of basketting, that gives the pigeons more confidence for the start of the next race.
Racing with pigeons = apostate race
Where do your foundation stock birds origionate from?
We started 40 years ago, we buy only first prize winners and ace pigeons mostly from small fanciers, rom these pigeons we breed 1°national winners -ace and Olympiad pigeons: Golden bol-Mirage-Triller,
Elvis (1°nat ace Germany) ,Miljonair (Bol x Elvis line),Zilveren -Carl Lewis and some pigeons from Venus (childr.nat.Ace pig.),Rapido (Gilbert)and Panterline ,Admiral (ace 95-96-97),Uno -Solo all best racers from 200-650km.
For the long distance : Cadillac 1°pr from 300 and 1000km (Catteuw) and 2 pig from Florizoone R. and Gille (Sion)
On 2001 we bought Kathy:best YB Belg 2001 Long Distance trophy from Hebbrecht
Gravin +Maxima :Dght.2° nat Dax Cas VDGraaff
(maybe I forget a name)
The mix from all these bloodlines makes the success story from 2009+2010
Topstar - Xtra etc.....
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