luyued 发布于 2011-04-22 04:52 浏览 N 次
①注重 讲究烹制工艺精细,注重菜肴的脆、酥、香。
②口味 一般口味不喜太咸,爱酸,甜味。
③主食 以米饭为主。
④副食 爱吃牛肉、羊肉、鱼、鸡和各种动物内脏;蔬菜喜食青椒、芥兰、豆芽菜、茄子、土豆等;调料喜用咖喱、胡椒、辣椒、虾酱等。
⑤制法 对炸、烤、煎、爆、炒等烹调方法制作的菜肴偏爱。
⑥中餐 喜爱中国的川菜。
⑦菜谱 很欣赏干煸牛肉丝、炸牛肚、香酥鸡、锅烧鸡、青椒肉片、炸牛肠、青椒鸡丁、鸭条、干烧鳜鱼、香酥百合鸡,炸麻团、炒芥兰等风味菜肴。
⑧水酒 喜欢饮红茶、咖啡、可可和鲜桔汁等饮料;有些人爱喝果酒、葡萄酒和香槟酒,还有极少数人爱饮烈性酒。
⑨果品 爱吃的水果有洋桃、樱桃、巴犁、椰子、木瓜、香蕉、菠萝等;干果喜爱核桃仁等。
Eating habits
印度尼西亚人在饮食习惯上主要以大米为主食,以鱼类、蔬菜、肉类等为主要副食品。 Indonesia on the eating habits of people in the main rice-eating, fish, vegetables, meat, etc. as the main non-staple food. 他们喜欢以牛、羊、鸡的五脏烹制各种菜肴。 They like to cattle, sheep, chicken cooked various dishes Five Viscera. 虽说大多数人都不饮酒,但极少数人却爱饮烈性酒,少部分人爱喝葡萄酒和香槟酒。 Although most people do not drink, but very few people have love to drink spirits, a small number of people like drink wine and champagne. 虽说大多数人信奉伊斯兰教,但也有阿斯玛特人、达尼人和巴布亚人等不信奉伊斯兰教。 Although the majority Muslim, but there are also Esimate, Dani and Papua persons do not believe in Islam. 他们在饮食习惯上对用猪肉烹制的菜肴倍加欢迎和喜爱。 Their eating habits on the pork cooked dishes with the more welcomed and loved.
印度尼西亚人习惯吃西欧式的西餐。 Indonesia eating habits of people in Western Europe-Western. 除在官方场合有时使用刀、叉、匙或筷子之外,一般都习惯用手抓饭。 In addition to official occasions sometimes used knives, forks, spoons or chopsticks, the general habit of hand Catching Food in Hand. 由于受当地华人的影响,普遍对中餐倍加喜爱,认为中餐是举世公认的最佳餐之一。 Due to the impact of local Chinese, generally the more popular lunch that the lunch is universally recognized as one of the best meals.
印度尼西亚人在饮食嗜好上有如下特点: Indonesia in the diet habit, has the following characteristics:
①注重讲究烹制工艺精细,注重菜肴的脆、酥、香。 ① on stress of fine cooking, dishes on the crisp, cakes, incense.
②口味一般口味不喜太咸,爱酸,甜味。 ② tastes generally do not like salty taste, love acid, sweet.
③主食以米饭为主。 ③ rice to the main staple food.
④副食爱吃牛肉、羊肉、鱼、鸡和各种动物内脏;蔬菜喜食青椒、芥兰、豆芽菜、茄子、土豆等;调料喜用咖喱、胡椒、辣椒、虾酱等。 ④ favorite dish of beef, mutton, fish, chicken and animal offal, vegetable preference green peppers, and Gailan, Bean Sprouts, eggplant, potatoes, etc.; Hi with curry sauce, pepper, hot pepper, gravy, etc..
⑤制法对炸、烤、煎、爆、炒等烹调方法制作的菜肴偏爱。 ⑤ method of the bombing, roasted, fried, explosions, cooking methods, such as fried dishes produced by preference.
⑥中餐喜爱中国的川菜。 ⑥ lunch favorite China's Sichuan.
⑦菜谱很欣赏干煸牛肉丝、炸牛肚、香酥鸡、锅烧鸡、青椒肉片、炸牛肠、青椒鸡丁、鸭条、干烧鳜鱼、香酥百合鸡,炸麻团、炒芥兰等风味菜肴。 ⑦ recipes appreciate Bian beef dry silk, deep Niudu, Xiangsu chicken, pot roast chicken, green pepper meat, fried cow intestines, green peppers Jiding, ducks, dry mandarin fish, chicken Xiangsu Lily, deep anesthesia group , fried dishes such as Gailan.
⑧水酒喜欢饮红茶、咖啡、可可和鲜桔汁等饮料;有些人爱喝果酒、葡萄酒和香槟酒,还有极少数人爱饮烈性酒。 ⑧ Shuijiu like to drink tea, coffee, cocoa and fresh Jieshi, and other beverages; some people like drink wine, wine and champagne, there are a handful of people love to drink liquor.
⑨果品爱吃的水果有洋桃、樱桃、巴犁、椰子、木瓜、香蕉、菠萝等;干果喜爱核桃仁等。 ⑨ Fruit favorite fruits are foreign peach, cherry, Pakistan plow, coconuts, papaya, bananas, pineapples; favorite dried fruits such as walnut.
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