Increase shuttle bus users
luyued 发布于 2011-04-16 15:44 浏览 N 次This editorial has contended that the transit company must either reduce the shuttle bus fares or increase the price of parking at the subway stations in order to increase the volume of the shuttle bus. To support his argument, the author refers to the fact that commuter use of the new subway train is exceeding the transit company's projectors, while commuter use of the shuttle buses that transport people to the subway stations is below expectation. The author also assumes that people who don't take shuttle bus will drive to the subway station and thereby draws the conclusion that another way that might be helpful is to increase the parking price. This argument is questionable with several logical flaws as substantiated as below. First of all, it might not be a wise decision to decrease the price of shuttle bus. Common sense and our daily experiences inform us that profit might decrease as well accompanying with the decrease of the price if the increased volume could not cover the loss from the price decrease. The author has oversimplified the issue and its solutions. Without a clear cost-effective analysis, it is unconvincing that the transit company should take the advice to reduce the shuttle bus fares. Secondly, the author offers another solution related to commuters who drive there. He suggests that the transit company could increase the parking price at the subway station. This suggestion is based on a dubious assumption that all commuters who don't take shuttle buses drive to the subway station. However, the author failed to provide evidence to support this assumption. It is possible that people would just walk to the station as kind of exercise to maintain good health. Furthermore, even if it is true that all or majority commuters drive to the subway station as an alternative method, it is not warranted that the increase of the parking price will result in more volume in shuttle bus. It is entirely possible that people will drive to their destination directly without taking subway as well. If this case turns out to be true, the transit company will suffer from the volume loss of the subway usage as well. Therefore, without thorough investigation about the reasons why people don't take shuttle buses and ruling out other possibilities that might happen as a result of increase of parking price, the author's suggestion will be nothing more than an emotional appeal. Consequently, both of the suggestions provided by the author are not very promising. To make his argument more logical, the author needs to provide a thorough cost-effective analysis regarding the potential gains from the decrease of shuttle bus fares. In addition, the author need to consider other possibilities as a result of increasing parking price and make sure the key alternative method for transportation is to drive a car for people who don't take shuttle buses.
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