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u.s. "discovery" space shuttle 24 for la...

luyued 发布于 2011-04-16 15:44   浏览 N 次  


  新华网华盛顿2月24日电(记者任海军)美国“发现”号航天飞机24日从佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心发射升空,前往国际空间站,服役近27年的“发现”号由此开启了“绝唱”之旅。 WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 (Xinhua Ren Haijun) U.S. "Discovery" space shuttle 24 from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for launch to the International Space Station, serving nearly 27 years of "Discovery" which opens " farewell "tour.

  美国航天局电视台的直播画面显示,美国东部时间24日16时53分(北京时间25日5时53分),“发现”号在一团火焰中拔地而起。 NASA live TV footage showed U.S. Eastern Time at 16:53 on the 24th (Beijing time at 5:53 on the 25th), "Discovery" where they stand in a mass of flames.升空8分半钟后,“发现”号顺利进入预定轨道。 8 and a half minutes after launch, "Discovery" successfully entered orbit.

  “发现”号此行的任务期为11天,将为空间站运送一个永久多功能舱以及“机器人宇航员2号”,后者是首个进入太空的类人机器人,并将成为空间站永久居民。 "Discovery" mission trip of 11 days for delivery of a permanent multi-functional space station, and "robotic astronaut 2", which is the first humanoid robot in space, and will become a permanent space station residents.

  此次将有6名宇航员随“发现”号升空,其中指令长是史蒂夫林赛,飞行员为埃里克博。 The six astronauts will have with the "Discovery" lifted off, in which instruction is Shidifulin long race, the pilot was Eric Kebo.宇航员们将进行两次太空行走,完成空间站维护工作。 Astronauts will conduct two spacewalks to complete the space station maintenance.

  当天的发射是“发现”号1984年8月服役以来的第39次飞行,也是计划中的最后一次。 The day of the launch was "Discovery" in service since August 1984 the 39th flight, is also planned last time.此次任务完成后,“发现”号将成为美国今年首个退役的航天飞机。 The task is completed, "Discovery" will be the first U.S. space shuttle this year.今后,人们可在博物馆中一睹“发现”号芳容。 In the future, people can in the museum to see the "Discovery" hosting the Games.
