luyued 发布于 2011-04-16 14:26 浏览 N 次 深圳橙盒科技专业NEC芯片解密研究所,多名资深芯片解密工程师,针对NEC每款单片机进行了反复试验
78K0 CPU core
Low power consumption (VDD = 3.0 V)
* Internal high-speed oscillation mode: 220 fCPU = 1 MHz operation)
* STOP mode: 0.65
* Subsystem clock and HALT mode: 1.13 * 78K0/KC2-L only
* High-speed system clock … Selected from the following three sources
- Ceramic/crystal oscillator: 1 to 10 MHz
- External clock: 1 to 10 MHz
- Internal high-speed oscillator: 4 MHz ± 2 % (-20 to +70°C), or 8 MHz ± 3 %(-40 to +85°C)
* Low-speed system oscillator 30 kHz ± 10 % … Watchdog timer, timer clock in intermittent operation
* Subsystem clock: Clock to operate the real-time counter mainly
* 16-bit timer/event counter … PPG output, capture input,芯片解密研究所, external event counter input
* 8-bit timer H … PWM output
* 8-bit timer/event counter 5 … PWM output, external event counter input
* Watchdog timer … Operable with low-speed internal oscillation clock
* Real-time counter … Available to count up in year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second units
Serial interface
* UART … Asynchronous 2-wire serial interface
* IICA … Clock synchronous 2-wire serial interface, multimaster supported, standby can be released upon address match in slave mode
* CSI … Clock synchronous 3-wire serial interface
10-bit resolution A/D conversion:7ch
Operational amplifier (products with operational amplifier only):2ch
Power-on-clear (POC) circuit
Low-voltage detector (LVI) (An interrupt/reset (selectable) is generated when the detection voltage is reached))
* Detection voltage: Selectable from sixteen levels between 1.91 and 4.22 V Single-power-supply flash memory
* Flash self programming enabled
* Software protection function: Protected from outside party copying (no flash reading command)
Safety function
* Watchdog timer operated by clock independent from CPU
… A hang-up can be detected even if the system clock stops
* Supply voltage drop detectable by LVI
… Appropriate processing can be executed before the supply voltage drops below the operation voltage
* Equipped with option byte function
… Important system operation settings set in hardware
On-chip debug function …Available to control for the target device, and to reference memory
Assembler and C language supported
Development tools
* Support for full-function emulator (IECUBE), and simplified emulator (MINICUBE2)
Power supply voltage: VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V
Operating ambient temperature: TA = -40 to +85°C
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