【建筑设计】Alexander Remizov生态建筑“方舟”
luyued 发布于 2011-02-05 11:16 浏览 N 次这是由建筑师Alexander Remizov设计的“方舟”项目,这是一个生态建筑,有独立的生命支持系统,它可以建造在土地和海上。这是建筑师心中的未来建筑形象,它可以快速地被建成,设计因结构的统一性还能抵抗巨大的环境灾难。
Alexander Remizov, architect for Remistudio, shared with us his project, “The Ark”, which is designed as a bioclimatic building with independent life-support systems that can be built on land or sea. Remizov envisioned this project as the house for the future which can be constructed quickly and withstand environmental disasters through its structural integrity.
Architectural studio: Remistudio
Team: Alexander Remizov – architect, Lev Britvin – energy solutions
The design work theme: environment
Main use: hotel, housing
Site area: 4500 m2
Building floor area: 2,900 m2
Total floor area: 14,000 m2
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