luyued 发布于 2011-03-01 01:17 浏览 N 次
>请帮忙翻译一些儿童玩具车的英文单词 惯性车、二通遥控车、四驱动旋转遥控车(黑轮带灯光带音乐)、四驱动旋转遥控车(明轮带灯光带音乐)、四通遥控车、灯光音乐万向电动车 、惯性车(明轮带灯光)、惯性越野车>>没有最佳答案>>惯性车:inertia car二通遥控车 :a rote control>>四驱动旋转遥控车(黑轮带灯光带音乐、:four driven car rotate rote control(lundai black music with light)>>四驱动旋转遥控车(明轮带灯光带音乐): four driven car (lundai rotation control with light music)>>四通遥控车:stone rote control>>灯光音乐万向电动车 :electric light music universal>>惯性车(明轮带灯光):lundai bright lights (inertia),>>惯性越野车 :inertia suvs>>car, a rote inertia, four driven car (black lundai rotating rote light music), four drivers with rotating lundai lamplight rote car (music), stone with music, lamplight rote car motor car and inertia wanxiang lundai (light), inertial suvs>>inertia car, two-pass rote control cars, four-drive rotary rote control car (with a black wheel with a light music), four-drive rotary rote control car (with a light paddle with music), four-way rote control cars, light music universal electric vehicles, vehicle inertia (next round with a light), cross-country vehicle inertia>
上一篇:商标英文翻译 下一篇:什么域名主机商好,什么服务器机柜好,UPS不间断电源
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